
In their own words!
3 Key Takeaways received from these amazing Women!

It's important to come out of your comfort zone if you want to achieve something. If you're able to conquer your mind-set automatically there will be a positive coordination between your mind and body no matter what the circumstances are. Visualization and pre planning helps you to make the day easy – going.
Palak Ajwani
Positive attitude can bring a change . It's called lifestyle change and not diet. Plan your day to be the best version of yourself.
Apurva Deshmukh
Focusing on better things and shooing away the negative thoughts. Understanding the importance of major self-love. Motivating myself to do better each day in all the things I am learning.
Unnati Joshi
Major mind-set change. Being healthy is more important than only weight loss. Huge change in Food Habits. Learnt that consistent efforts is the key.
Reena Apandkar
Happiness is a state of mind… gratitude, visualization, pranayama and meditation helped me to stay calm and content thereby making each day a joyful experience. Don’t sweat the small stuff and it is all small stuff. Making lifestyle changes for a healthier me.
Preeti Shetty
Consistency is the key and there are surely no quick fixes. Pre-planning meals is extremely important. It feels amazing to start the day with gratitude.
Vinati Sajnani
Be mindful in everything you do. Always have a Positive attitude. Things will work out in the end . Believe it is yours and work for it.
Priyanka Murali
My routine is getting better and I have more awareness of what I eat and how I feel. Affirmations have helped me to get into positive thinking. I feel motivated and recharged through your Videos.
Jaya Dhanjani
Where there is will there is a way . God help us in many ways. Gratitude is the key to peace and love.
Meena Bathija

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