I fell in love with Fitness when I was 17 years old. I used to spend more time at the gym than anywhere else. I also wanted to lose all my excess weight after I finished my 12th board. Being a foodie, gaining weight was so easy 🙁 It took me 3 months to reach my ideal weight and I realized my confidence level had increased as a result of the weight loss. I felt better connected with myself, had higher self morale, and felt really good about myself. I managed to maintain that weight till I got married. Post that, we all know how it goes. Too many responsibilities, and lack of motivation, and I found myself slowly gaining weight. Out went the confidence and self-love and in came the criticism when I would look at myself in the mirror. Two years later I had my baby girl, while I was super happy, I was also scared and my scare wasn’t about managing a newborn, it was about how soon can I start to lose the weight I had gained. Over a year later, I pushed myself to start working out again, to find that old me that loved fitness, that loved to prioritize herself and with that momentum, I managed to lose weight, but that was short-lived! A few years later I gave birth to my 2nd daughter 🙂 There came the weight gain again. Even though it’s pretty normal to gain weight during pregnancy,I realized I was in a loop where I would lose the weight, yet weight would find me again. I could see many women around me struggling just as I was and I wanted to help them and guide them and that’s when I started working towards a permanent solution.
Hence my journey of being an Entrepreneur started. I built my business around my passion for fitness which helped me create a clear pathway to achieving my goal of becoming a Fitness entrepreneur and launching my fitness studio (Fitness Mania Studio, Mumbai) for women in 2012, to having my name mentioned multiple times in Times of India, to flying abroad for certifications and continuously studying year on year and gaining literally a wall filled with certifications that motivated me to coach and inspire other women to reach their ideal health goal, to making it to India’s top 100 Super Speakers reality show, to becoming a motivational speaker, it’s been a beautiful & an exciting journey. I have worked with many corporates, been part of various fitness events, and mental awareness campaigns, and worked with 5000+ women on their health and fitness.
Women’s self-value is based either on their mindset or on their physical self. Mind & Body works together. When the Mind believes, the body achieves, fitness first starts in the mind. You need to love your inner self and your outer self will see a new you. Fear of rejection, fear of being unfit, fear of not communicating your thoughts freely, fear of not being able to say a No, fear of not being able to achieve your goals, all these fears do not define who you are. I am a Health & Fitness Coach for women for over a decade and If you’re ready to take action, to work towards a new you, then let’s start today!