Feel great about yourself Physically, Mentally & Emotionally !! ~ Guaranteed!


Unlock your Self Discipline
in 7 Days Only

This Exact Blueprint That Has Transformed 4000+ Clients to make it ~ Even From Day #1

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This Exact Process That Has Transformed 2500+ Clients to make it ~ Even From Day #1


This Exact Process That Has Transformed 2500+ Clients to make it ~ Even From Day #1

This Exact Process That Has Transformed 2500+ Clients to make it ~ Even From Day #1

Stop Wasting Time On procrastination

By scrolling through endless Social media feeds that don’t take you anywhere!!

Take your first step in Losing Weight & Getting Fit without letting your excuses come in your way.

>> Yes, You Heard It Right <<

Master These 6 Strategies, & You Can Transform Your Life within a week GUARANTEED!

To Know More Join Me LIVE Inside

The 7 day “Fat Loss Challenge 🔥"

Discover My Proven Methods & Framework That Have been Helping Me and My 2500+ Students to get fit & feel empowered within a week

Have A Look At What My Students Have To Say About It

What Will You Gain From The Fat Loss Challenge?

Method #1: Mindset

How a strong mindset can help you become consistent in your Fat Loss Journey

Method #2: Good Habits

How to build new habits towards a Healthy Lifestyle

Method #4: Good Nutrition

How simple home cooked meals can help you lose weight.

Method #3: Tracking Progress

How to get fit the smart way so you don’t put on again.

Method #5: Body Movement

How moving more can help you get fit.

Method #6: Managing Stress & Emotions

How to understand your emotions & stress better so you don’t end up binge eating.

Method #7: Meme Marketing

Discover how to create captivating meme pages and launch engaging & sharable meme-based campaigns to make a handsome amount of money in a fun way

Although all these skills can pay you a good amount!

But ask this question to yourself

Well, Believe Me or Not…

But learning a skill from Scratch, Monetizing it and Scaling it takes a lot of time!

Are you willing to wait for months (if not years) to earn from it and also where competition is too high & probability of success is very low?

If you are willing to wait and work hard for months to figure out the right way of earning money… Then you can leave this page!

But if you’re someone like me who is a bit impatient and want quick results on the table

Then I highly invite you to my upcoming 2 hours Live

“7 Methods To 7 Figure Workshop”

Today's Special Offer🎁
Only Rs. 9/- 499
For the price of less than a cup of tea!

Register For The Workshop ₹9 ₹497

And Learn The 7 Methods To Make 7 Figures With Instagram

For Whom Is This Workshop For ?



Job Person




Coaches & Trainers

Business Owners

Corporate Employee


Content Creator

Coaches / Trainers

Meet Your Trainer

Meet Your Trainer

Payal Khanchandani fat loss

Payal Khanchandani




Payal Khanchandani is an extraordinary Fitness Entrepreneur and Confidence Coach who has cracked the code for transforming lives through holistic health and self-assurance. With over a decade of expertise, she’s guided 10,000+ individuals towards sustainable well-being, unleashing their full potential.

Till now she has helped 2894+ students to lose fat, Get fit & Gain Confidence using her insane but easy-to-apply frameworks.

Payal gives all her credit to his powerful ‘7 Strategy’ that can help anyone to Lose fat , Get Fit & Gain Confidence  with it. And now she is coming up with a “Lose fat, Get fit & Gain Confidence  Challenge” where she is going to share all her secrets, frameworks, & strategies  in the best possible manner.

Payal Khanchandani Fitness and wellness coach


I’ve Something More For You…

When You Register For The
“6 strategies To Lose Fat, Get Fit & Gain Confidence Challenge ”
Right Now… You Will Get 6 Amazing Bonuses Worth
₹29,996 For Absolutely FREE!!!


Priced: ₹ 4999/-

Health Affirmations

Priced: ₹ 4999/-

Easy Recipes

Priced: ₹ 4999/-


Priced: ₹ 4999/-

Power of Positivity

Priced: ₹ 4999/-

Self assessment

Priced: ₹ 4999/-


Priced: ₹ 3000/-

Get All This Inside The Challenge

Total Value Of Bonuses: ₹30,000


Normal Price: ₹1997

Buy Today At Just ₹ 199

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a WhatsApp Challenge with Live Zoom sessions on the first and last day. The challenge is for 7 days.

This challenge is for anyone who wants to lose fat, get fit & gain confidence. This is especially for those who keep going on a roller coaster journey with their weight by losing weight, then gaining it again, and then losing and gaining it back.

Make sure you join the WhatsApp Group for all the Updates for Fat Loss Challenge !!

No recordings are provided generally but if you miss out for a genuine reason, we would be more than happy to give you access to it for 24hrs. 

Please email us at connect@payalkhanchandani.com & our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thousands have benefited from the program over the last decade. This is our signature program at Fitness Mania Studio to help our members get on track, stay on track and achieve their fat loss goals.

There will be a comprehensive LIVE masterclass on Day 6 where we will share the guidelines that one needs to follow after the program is over. You will also get the opportunity to continue this journey with us which is absolutely your choice.  The program may be for 7 days but it has been designed to provide “Learnings for Life” so that the journey to a healthier and fit you continues.

There are always alternatives given in the Meal Plan so you can always choose those.

We will provide fasting guidelines to help with that.

Our Bonus Holiday Hack will be provided to you and you can use that as A guideline when you are travelling 

The program will be conducted over the WhatsApp group for all 7 days, where all your queries will be answered , additionally there would be videos sent all each day of the challenge.

There would be 2 live sessions , the orientation session and the masterclass on day 6, As well as live Q&A

Limited Time Offer